Many people in Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia believe that amulets depicting LuangPhu Thuad hold great protective powers granting safety in times of distress, especially saving the lives of believer from seemingly fatal automobile accidents. Phra Arjarn Tim Thammataro, abbot of Wat ChangHai is the pioneer creator of Phra LuangP้u Thuad amulets.
Older sacred amulets of LuangThuad are considered priceless and very powerful. The first batch owas made in B.E. 2497 (A.D. 1954) It consisted entirely of amulets made from herbs (Nua Wahn). This is the most famous batch of Luang Phu Thuad amulets because there was the first batch; it is referred to as the 2497 batch. All amulets were made of herbs and powder.
Subsequently more amulets were made and coin (riean) variation were added (B.E.2500, 2504 etc) The next most famous batch of amulets was produced in B.E. 2505. This batch is famous for the new type of LuangPhu Thuad amulet which was cast in the shape of a traditional iron. This type of amulet is called Lang TaoReed (Iron sharp). It is famous and highly sought after as it is the first time Lang TaoReed amulets where made.
The consideration of LuangPhu Thuad B.E. 2505 (A.D. 1962) mini casting statue in the shape of a traditional iron. (Lung TaoReed)
1. The amulet skin if which one never been used or often used or touched, there was called “PiewDerm” will have “socket soil stain” catching in narrow space of surface. The characteristic of socket soil is dark yellow due to heating from metal burnt while pouring composition in mould. The method of old molding is similar to one by one with lost wax casting technique. Some of amulet will have gravel or sand accompanied with soil. The fake amulet would have socket soil stain but using injection of molding. The color is not bright comparing to real amulet. The fake one with good handmade used orange powder spread on skin.
2. Content material is called Loha Pasom (mixed metal alloy) The major metals are brass and copper composition. Besides, there are broken in small piece of sacred image Buddha and bronze, etc. The color is dark brown with red yellow and red brown. Red yellow represents high brass composition, red brown represents high copper composition. There were not solely brass or copper like the fake amulet always made.
High copper composition High brass composition
3. Skin cover with black lacquer is the last procedure of creation, this made skin darker. Black lacquer will help to consider oldness of amulet.
4. Filing mark caused from grinding machine by craftsman in order to decorate beautifully and neatly amulet e.g., Pim Yai A, filing mark was elaboration line and looked natural while Pim Yai B and C, filing trace was rough and big.
5. Size and shape have to be correct by block of mould. Proportion of width, height and dimension should be certainty (slightly deviation is possible)
Mould of LuangPhu Thuad Wat ChangHai B.E. 2505.
1. LuangPhu Thuad Lung TaoReed (Iron Shape means the backside that looks similar to a smoothing iron): There are 2 types of Lung TaoReed
1.1 With no words behind (Lung TaoReed) by using old molding lost wax technique
1.1.1 Pim Yai which divided into sub moulds by
A. Pim Yai A
· Pim Yai A
Pim A Yai (front) Pim A Yai (back)
· Pim Yai A BuaKheed - There is long horizontal line at the middle of second tier lotus base.
· Pim Yai A KorKheed - There is vertical small line in area of left neck.
· Pim Yai A LaiJud - There is button of overmass at the right shoulder.
B. Pim Yai B: The different from Pim Yai A is pointed out by monk cloth stripes at right chest of image Buddha, the end of every stripe run into underarm. While the end of monk cloth stripes at upper section did not run into armpit in Pim Yai A
C. Pim Yai C (Pim Yai Hua Mon): The differences from Pim Yai A and B are shallow eyes socket and stripes of monk cloth is smaller than the two first types.
D. Pim Yai Nava Loha plain content (Mixture of 9 metals:- Gold, Silver, Copper. Tin. Zinc, Lead, mercury, Bornite and liquid metal)
Unique sign of LuangPhu Thuad - Iron shape - Large size - Nava Loha plain
1. Top of amulet is little bit curve up.
2. Robe has sharp emboss - deboss.
3. Left arm looks sharp at the center.
4. Lotus seeds at bottom are stand out.
5. Sharpen bottom from cutting.
6. The backside and sidewall is sharpen.
7. The backside is smooth surface.
E. Pim Yai Nava Loha Tok Chor (Thai letter "ฉ" stamped on backside)
F. Pim Yai Loha Pasom ( Mixed metal alloy)
G. Pim Yai Mekkapad (Copper and Sulfur mixture)
H. Pim Yai Nua Rae (Mixture of mineral substances and alloy)
I. Pim Yai PumpSump - re-stamped means using stamping machine to re-stamp those under quality amulets for better appearance.
· Block Songchai (2 outer robe lines: big and small in parallel)
· Block Taek (Broken lines): There is long broken line from mouth to nose to chin or to left hand.
· Block PeekKwang (wide wing): Size of edge is bigger than normal
1.1.2 Pim Klang (Middle mould)
· PumpSump (Middle mould with re-stamping) - Details line on image body is clear and sharper than without re-stamping.
· MaiPumpSum (Middle mould without re-stamping) which were produced from mould originally without re-stamping in the machine, the sharness and clearness of lines are less than the re-stamping mould.
1.1.3 Pim Lek (small mould)
· Nah Apache (Apache face means The Buddha’s face that similar to the face of Native American Indian face paint)
· Nah Apache KhaengKheed - appeared small slope lines through the right shin.
· Nah Cherd (turn the face upwards)
1.2 With words behind (Lung TaoReed Lung Nang Suer) means Bali and Thai letter stamped on back side by using medal image stamping technique. Mainly content textue found were high brass composition which divided into brass with black and brass with plated gold. Other contents such Alpaca and NawaLoha were lesser seen.
1.2.1 Pim Lung Nang Suer Yai (Big mould)
· Pim Lung Nang Suer Yai with Thai letter “Tor” (ท) : Letter "ท" appears under image body at front side.
Unique sign of LuangPhu Thuad -letter stamped on backside 'ท. - Large size
1. Two curves lines above head.
2. Longer face than other moulds.
3. Rightl arm has a sharp line.
4. End of robe has a sharp line.
5. The seat has a letter "ท"
6. Behinde "ท" has lines and look like rain fall.
7. The backside has a split surface line at a top letter.
8. The backside has a line pass from top to bottom.
9. The backside all letters are clear and sharp.
· Pim Lung Nang Suer Yai Sao Arkad (Antenna): Long slope line appears at backside like antenna.
Unique sign of LuangPhu Thuad - letter stamped on back side "Antenna" Large size
1. Big round eyes.
2. Breast cloth looks clear and sharp.
3. Right arm has small sharp line.
4. Robe has a small hollow.
5. Lotus seat is pentagon shape.
6. The backside has a split surface line at a top letter.
7. The backside has a line pass from tip to bottom.
· Pim Lung Nang Suer Yai WongDuean (moon ring): A few parallel curve lines inserted betweem first tier and second tier of lotus base .
1.2.2 Pim Lung Nang Suer Lek (Small mould)
· Pim Lung Nang Suer Lek with Thai letter “Tor” "ท" "ว."
Unique sign of LuangPhu Thuad - letter stamped on back side "ท" "ว." Small size
1. Big round eyes.
2. Breast cloth has broken line.
3. Left toe has split surface line.
4. The seat has a letter "ท"
5. The backside has a split surface line on top letter.
6. The backside has small lines over all.
7. The backside has a split surface line at bottom of letter ภะ.
8. The backside the word "วัด" ว has a small dot.
· Pim Lung Nang Suer Lek with Thai letter “ Wor Jud” (ว.)
Unique sign of LuangPhu Thuad - letter stamped on backside "ว." - small size
1. Big and sharp nose.
2. Big chin.
3. Breast cloth has emboss line.
4. Left toe has a small split surface line.
5. The seat has small lines look like rain fall.
6. The backside has a split surface line at a front letter.
7. The backside the word "วัด" ว. has a small dot.
· Pim Lung Nang Suer Lek (ordinary)
2. LeakTaiThan or LuangPhu Thuad BaTong Batch is Lunagphu Thuad mini casting statue with code numbered at the bottome of platform. Content is Nawaloha. Under the platform contain sacred powder and herb powder of first batch. Running number starting from 1 to 999.
3. LuangPhu Thuad Roon Pinaikam (testament batch) was created in B.E. 2505. Materials composition were similar to LuangPhu Thuad B.E. 2497 by using herbs (Nua Wan) and sacred black soil as main ingredients. The numbers creation were 20,000 amulet pieces. There are 3 moulds
3.1 Pim Yai Nah Kammakarn: This mould is similar to Pim Kammakarn B.E. 2497 but size is smaller.
3.2 Pim Yai Nah Yai
3.3 Pim Phra Rod which is similar to Pim Phra Rod Kammakarn B.E. 2497