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Phra Kru Wisai Sophon (Pra Archan Tim Dhamma Tharo) Wat Chang Hai

Phra Kru Wisai Sophon  (Pra Archan Tim Dhamma Tharo) Wat Chang Hai

The History of Phra Kru Wisai Sophon ( Phra Archan Thim Dhamma Tharo )

The late Phra Kru Wisai Sophon ( Phra Archan Thim Dhamma Tharo ) was the former chief abbot of Wat Chang Hai or Ratburanaram, Tambon Khuan Nori, Khok Pho District, Pattani Province. Thim Prompradu was his original name before he was ordain as a monk. He was born on 21st August 1912 at Baan Na Pradu and was a son of Inthong and Num Prompradu, they have six children and Phra Archan Thim Dhamma Tharo was the second son in the Prompradu's family. Phra Archan Thim Dhamma Tharo started his primary education at Na Pradu primary school when he was nine years old, due to family hardship, his father decides to took him to live under the guardianship of Phra Kru Pattarakhon Kowit the former chief abbot of Wat Na Pradu, he study at Na Pradu school until third grade before leaving school but still lived with Phra Kru Pattarakhon Kowit to further his Buddhist study. He was ordained as a novice at the age of eighteen at Wat Na Pradu for a very short period and has to disrobe to help his family in farming. When he reaches the age of twenty, he re-entered into the Buddhist monastery again and ordained as a monk on 7th June 1933 under the preceptorship of Phra Kru Phiboon Samanawat of Wat Mutchalinthawapi Vihan " Wat Tu Yong " at Nong Chik district. He stayed at Wat Na Pradu and Wat Tu Yong in between during his monkhood to further his Phra Pariyattham study and was appointed as Phra Pariyat to teach at Wat Na Pradu

In 1941, Phra Kru Pattarakhon Kowit chief abbot of Wat Na Pradu has assigned Phra Archan Thim Dhamma Tharo to station at Wat Chang Hai but he did not stay there permanently while he has to travels back and forth to give lessons at Wat Na Pradu to monks that came from near and afar. He has to move permanently to Wat Chang Hai upon his appointment as chief abbot of Wat Chang Hai and it was during this time, the Second World War broke-out and lives for the villagers are very harsh under the military administration. Each day, several freight trains have to pass through Wat Chang Hai with war supplies to be transported to the southernmost province. Travellers or villagers who travels by foot between village at that time would always stop at Wat Chang Hai for a rest or stay overnight before continuing their onward journey, Phra Archan Thim Dhamma Tharo have never refuse traveller or villager any request and instead worked tirelessly to ensured that these travellers or villagers wellbeing are well taken care during their accommodation at Wat Chang Hai. Phra Archan Thim Dhamma Tharo loving kindness (Metta) has shown during the wartime and Buddhism has rooted in his body and soul. He has contributed a worthy cause throughout his life without asking for any favour in return and yet the teachings of Buddha has been answered to the lay people again.

Phra Archan Thim Dhamma Tharo is a very compassionate monk and is very sympathetic to those in needs of help, he would assist whatever he could without obligations for whatsoever in return. In 1952, he was considering building a sermon hall where resident monks can have a place to provide religious services to the laypeople and in 6th August 1952, he decided to lay the foundation stones with Buddhist rituals ceremony performed by several senior monks, thereafter the construction of the sermon hall start off. In the course of the construction, only certain part of the pillars and wall were erected and the project has to come to a stop due to limited funding resources. To resume and complete the project, Phra Archan Thim Dhamma Tharo pondered the ideas of fundraising by producing the commemorative amulet of Luang Pu Thuat. He discussed this issues with Phra Kru Dhamma Kit Kosorn “ Phra Archan Nong “ and Chao Khun Phrarajpanyarangsri and all of them agrees on the matter, whereby they too seek the opinion of Khun Anan Kananurak view and he too agreed such an ideal. Khun Anan Kananurak was a financial supporter for Wat Chang Hai, therefore he was appointed the fundraising coordinator.

Meantime, Phra Kru Dhamma Kit Kosorn, Chao Khun Phrarajpanyarangsri and monks from Wat Na Pradu and Wat Sai Khao started to gather all the necessary ingredients in preparation for the Luang Phu Thuad amulets production, when all required items was in orders, Phra Archan Thin Dhamma Tharo started to blend the mixture and ingredients and thereafter pressed the element into the mold at 12.00 p.m. on 19th March 1954, with the target production of 84,000 pieces. Owing to time limitation, only 64,000 pieces of Luang Phu Thuad commemorative amulets were produced on 15th April 1954 as the auspicious date for incantation ceremony has been picked on Sunday, 18th April 1954. When the whole religious event was over in late afternoon, Phra Archan Thim Dhamma Tharo began to distribute the first batch of (B.E.2497) Luang Phu Thuad commemorative amulets to followers who participated and contributed to the sermon hall fundraising cause.

From that day onward, Phra Archan Thim Dhamma Tharo has produced many batches of Luang Phu Thuad commemorative amulets, where supply was not enough to meet the demand from collectors and followers from near and afar.

Introduction to Phra LuangPhu Thuad Amulet

Mr.Anan Khananurak, the sponsor in the creation of Phra Luangphu Thuad amulet in B.E. 2497 (A.D. 1954), he made this record by.

Somdej Luangphu Thuad amulet can be available nowaday because of his dream. One night inNovember 1952, I dreamed that I met Luangphu not too far from Wat ChangHai. He gave me some medicine and put auspicious thread on my head before he walked away to the direction of Wat Chang Hai. In the morning I think that the stupa in front of Wat Changhai may be the place to fill LuangPhu Thuad’s bones several hundred years ago. I want to visit wat Changhai and ask for some information but myself was too busy. Later, on February 04,1954 I had a chance to visit Wat Changhai, I met and talked to Phra Arjarn Tim, the leader of wat Changhai. This is the first time to visit here and know Arjarn Tim. During talking, I asked to him that "Do you think about making amulet to give for the collectors who supported in chapel building”. He said he think so for 2 years but it's not completed yet. So I told him I want to be a sponsor in this job. I invited him to choose the amulet style by his mind. I want to choose only the color, the red. Suddenly I felt my hair standing on end. Everybody in that event can be witness. I said this phenomenon could only be by Luangphu Thuad. He had delight in our idea to build his amulet. My hair was standing up again and I saw the amulet was floating in front of myself. There was an image of an old priest sitting on the lotus base. His body is black. Luangphu Thuad caused to occur this miracle to show me. I looked at my watch, it was at 01.25 p.m. I told Tim that the miracle by Luangphu Thuad because he want to recommend in his amulets creation. So we should do by his wish. And I asked for Arjarn Tim to be mediator to contact LuangPhu Thuad’s spirit during the creation ceremony in every step closely.

Phrakru Wisaisophon agreed to build the image of LuangPhu Thuad by tuberous herb powder and black clay. Phrakru Thammaakijkosol, Wat Sai Khao leader commanded his staffs to find the tuberous herbs on the hills. In this work, Arjarn Song of Wat Wongkotbut was guiding the ways and selected the herbs. He knew all tuberous plants quality. Mr.Damrong, the leader of Baan Muang Bon Tambon Paya was a sponsor to supply black clay. This clay was called "Din wan Dam" available on the hills foot. The creation of amulets started on March 19,1954 and completed on April 15,1954. The total amulet is 64,000 pieces, less than the expected numbers at 84,000 pieces due to the time was too short. All of amulets was pronounced incantation on April 18,1954 in the old chapel. Phrakru Wisaisophon was the chairman in the ceremony and invited the spirit of LuangPhu Thuad, LuangPhor See, LuangPhor Tong and LuangPhor Chan. All resided in the stupa Wat Changhai for giving the holiness into the amulets. Other priest also joined in the ceremony such as Phrakru Thammakijkosol Wat Sai khao. Ordinating priest Dam Wat Silaloy. After the ceremony ended, the amulets was distributed to everybody there ,one piece for each.

Tuberous herbs amulet in the first period was divided into 3 sizes or 3 moulds.

1. Large size or Pim Yai.
2. Medium size or Pim Klang.
3. Small size or Pim Lek.

All 3 sizes were made from various crucibles. The crucibles were made from sealing wax. The good pressing the tuberous clay into the crucibles and good taking out of the amulet from crucible, all effected to the sharp of amulets. The way to take out the amulet from the crucible was using a small bamboo stick dip into the amulets bottom. Some pieces have a hole on the bottom and some have not due to several people took part into the job. LuangPhu Thuad amulets have many characteristics. Most of the builders were the priests from Wat ChangHai and Wat Napradu. The mass of amulet, some are fine since at first step, the creator made in elaboration and neat but during closing to the incantation ceremony, they were in rush to complete all finished since amulets numbers were not reached the aim so, amulets mass were coarse-grained materials. Another reason about the amulet face, clear or unclear due to the crucibles which made from sealing wax was not in standard mould. When pressing the mould in several times, this made erosion of mould and had to remade or redecorate the mould time by time.

LuangPhu Thuad amulets of all 3 moulds, the body image is same in every mould. The image is sitting on the twin lotus base (one side turn down and one side turn up) Big and middle mould were similar. The difference is only size of body. Small mould was easy to notice because not too much different. Someone understood that Pim Yai with fine content made in Pim Karnmakam but that not the truth. It made in earlier period by gentle hands but the amulets numbers were not reached the aim. The later amulet was made in the rush limited time by hurry so the output was not so fine enough.

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